
Breast Cancer



Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women, with more than 200,000 new cases diagnosed each year nationwide. While known primarily as a women’s disease, men can also get breast cancer.

Breast cancer begins with abnormal cells developing in breast tissue. The cancer may be confined to the breast or spread to other parts of the body. The most common type begins in the ducts that carry milk to the nipple. But cancer also may occur in the small sacs that produce milk, called lobules, 或者在其他乳房组织中. 因为乳腺癌差异很大, treatment depends on the type and stage as well as the individual patient's needs.


Breast cancer survival rates today are higher than ever due to advances in diagnosis and treatment. At the UCSF卡罗尔·弗兰克·巴克乳房护理中心, we specialize in screening to enable early detection, providing more effective and less toxic therapies, educating patients and pursuing cutting-edge research. We are committed to discovering new and better ways to prevent and treat breast cancer.

UCSF offers the highest quality breast cancer care in a respectful and supportive environment. 为每一位病人服务, our surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, psychologists and nutritionists work as a team to heal the whole person, 无论是身体上还是情感上.

Awards & recognition

  • usnews-neurology


  • 北加州最好的,排名第一. 全国癌症治疗排名第七

  • NIH-2x



Breast cancer may be found in several forms, depending on where the cancer started and how far it has progressed.


When breast cancer is found early, usually through a mammogram, it's called breast cancer in situ (meaning in its original position) or noninvasive cancer. However, it can develop into invasive breast cancer.


  • 导管原位癌(DCIS). Abnormal cells are only in the lining of a milk duct (they haven't spread beyond the duct). If these cells aren't removed, some may change over time and become invasive cancers. DCIS is sometimes called intraductal carcinoma.
  • 小叶原位癌(LCIS). Abnormal cells are found only in the lining of a milk lobule. LCIS is noninvasive and not considered breast cancer. However, it signals an increased risk of developing invasive cancer. LCIS有时出现在 biopsy for another lump or when an unusual change is detected on a mammogram.


When cancer cells form in the ducts or milk lobules and spread to the breast tissue around them, 这种癌症被认为是侵袭性的. Tumors can be found during a breast exam or through screening tests, such as a mammogram. The severity of the cancer and best course of treatment depend on the tumor's size, what the cells look like under a microscope, and whether the cancer has spread to lymph nodes (small, bean-shaped structures that are part of the body's immune system).


The cancer is metastatic when it has spread from the breast to other organ systems – usually the bones, lungs, liver and brain. The cancer travels to these organs through the bloodstream or lymphatic system. 如果发生转移性癌症, it is usually months or years after the initial breast cancer diagnosis.


炎性乳腺癌 is a rare but aggressive type. 乳房可能看起来是红色的,感觉是温暖的. Ridges, welts or hives may appear on the breast, or its skin may look wrinkled. 炎性乳腺癌 is sometimes misdiagnosed as an infection.


This is cancer that has come back (recurred) after treatment. 它可能在乳房中再次出现, develop in soft tissues of the chest or chest wall, 或者发生在身体的其他部位.


Early in the development of breast cancer, people don't usually experience pain. In fact, when breast cancer first appears, there may be no symptoms. But as the cancer grows, it may cause changes. Watch for differences in appearance or sensation, including:

  • A lump or thickening in or near a breast or the underarm area
  • 乳房大小或形状的变化
  • 乳头溢液或压痛
  • 乳头向内拉(倒置)
  • Ridges or pitting of a breast, making the skin look like the outside of an orange
  • Any change in the look or feel of the skin of a breast, areola or nipple, such as warmth, swelling, 发红或有鳞


诊断乳腺癌, your provider will usually perform a physical exam and order an imaging test, 比如乳房x光检查或超声波检查. 取决于结果, you may also have a tissue biopsy (a procedure to take a sample for microscopic analysis).

如果在你的乳房发现癌症, you'll undergo additional tests to determine the stage of the disease. Staging is a way of assessing whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to which parts of the body. Blood and imaging tests are typically used. Your treatment plan will depend on the results of these tests as well as your own needs and preferences. You can find more information on the staging of breast cancer in 关于乳房健康的基本事实.


Imaging tests are used to diagnose breast cancer and to evaluate its stage and extent. 根据结果, your provider may recommend further tests or therapy – or determine that no treatment is necessary.


  • 筛查性乳房x光检查. A mammogram is a low-dose X-ray of the breast. This is the best test to check for breast cancer in people without signs of it.
  • 诊断性乳房x光检查. This type of mammogram is used to investigate suspicious changes in the breast, such as a new lump or breast pain or nipple discharge. It's also used to evaluate suspicious findings on a screening mammogram.
  • Breast ultrasound. This test uses high-frequency sound waves to show whether a lump is solid or filled with fluid. It may be used along with diagnostic mammography or an MRI to answer questions about a specific area of the breast.
  • 乳房磁共振成像(MRI). This type of MRI scan can reveal abnormalities that aren't visible through mammography or ultrasound. 每次扫描产生数百张图像.

The 美国癌症协会 recommends that certain women with an especially high risk of developing breast cancer have an MRI scan along with their yearly mammogram. A breast MRI is noninvasive, with no radiation exposure. But breast MRI is an evolving technology and shouldn't replace standard screening and diagnostic procedures, such as in-clinic exams during a regular checkup, self-exams, 乳房x光检查和活检.


A biopsy may be used to determine whether a breast lump or other abnormal tissue is cancer. During a biopsy, a surgeon, pathologist or radiologist removes a portion or all of the suspicious tissue. The tissue is then examined under a microscope by a pathologist, who checks for cancer cells and makes the diagnosis.


  • 细针穿刺活检(FNA). Using a small, thin needle, the doctor takes two or three samples of tissue from the breast lump for examination.
  • 立体定向核活检. 使用活检针, the doctor removes tissue from your breast while it’s pressed down to hold it in position, similar to what happens during a mammogram.
  • Magseed or needle (wire) localization biopsy. Guided by imaging, doctors mark the location of the abnormal tissue by placing a tiny magnetic seed or wire. The tissue is then surgically removed and analyzed.


If you're diagnosed with breast cancer, the 病人支援队 at the UCSF乳房护理中心 is here to help. The staff can offer information and guidance as you navigate conversations with your doctors and make decisions about your treatment.


Treatment for breast cancer may include surgery as well as radiation化疗和激素治疗. Local treatments, 比如手术和放射治疗, remove, destroy or control cancer cells in specific areas. 系统性的治疗, 比如化疗和激素治疗, destroy or reduce cancer throughout the body.

取决于你的情况, 你可以接受一种治疗, a combination of therapies at the same time or a series over time.


For most types of breast cancer, surgery is the most common treatment. Mastectomy and lumpectomy are two main surgeries for removing tumors. Additional procedures may be done to check for cancer in your lymph nodes or to reconstruct your breast during or after removal.

Your doctor may discuss these procedures with you:

  • Lumpectomy. A surgeon removes the cancer and some normal tissue around it, preserving as much healthy tissue as possible. Some lymph nodes from the armpit may also be removed to determine whether the cancer has spread. After a lumpectomy, most patients receive radiation therapy to destroy any remaining cancer cells.
  • Mastectomy. A surgeon removes all the tissue of one or both breasts. 其他附近组织, 比如淋巴结, may be removed at the same time to check whether the cancer has spread.
  • 前哨淋巴结活检. A surgeon removes one or more sentinel lymph nodes for examination. Sentinel lymph nodes are the ones most likely to contain cancerous cells if the cancer has spread from the primary area.
  • 乳房重建. A surgeon rebuilds the breast after a mastectomy, creating a breast that looks and feels as natural as possible. This procedure may be done using breast implants or the patient's own body tissue, although a variety of factors affect an individual's options.


乳腺癌的放射治疗 uses high-energy rays or particles to attack the disease. 这种治疗是有效的, tolerable doses to kill tumor cells or inhibit their growth and division.

Radiation therapy is used, along with surgery, to treat early-stage breast cancer. It may also be used in more advanced breast cancer to control the disease or to relieve symptoms, such as pain.


Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. For breast cancer, the drugs are typically a combination given by mouth and injection. Chemotherapy enters the bloodstream and travels throughout your body.


  • Decrease the chance of cancer recurring after surgery
  • Shrink breast cancer after surgery when the tumor is large or inflammatory
  • Control metastatic breast cancer that has spread to other organs


This therapy changes the hormonal environment in your body, affecting the growth and behavior of some breast cancers. If your breast cancer produces an estrogen receptor or progesterone receptor, hormone therapy can effectively treat it at early, 转移性或晚期. This therapy can also be used to prevent recurrence.

UCSF Health medical specialists have reviewed this information. It is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or other health care provider. We encourage you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have with your provider.

Where to get care (10)



    Learn basic facts about breast structure and function and how to differentiate between the different types and stages of breast cancer.

    Biopsy for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy

    Your health care providers may refer you for a fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) if a lump is discovered in your breast. Learn more here.

    Biopsy for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Magseed and Needle (Wire) Localization

    When a breast imaging exam reveals an abnormality that can't be felt, doctors may perform a two-step procedure to pinpoint and remove the suspicious tissue.

    Biopsy for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: MRI-Guided Core Biopsy

    在这个微创手术中, we locate and evaluate a suspicious breast lump without having to perform surgery.

    Biopsy for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Surgical Breast Biopsy

    Find information to help you prepare for your upcoming surgical breast biopsy. If you have any questions, contact the Breast Care Center at (415) 353-7070.

    Biopsy for Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Stereotactic Core Biopsy

    立体定向核活检 was developed as an alternative to surgical biopsy. It is a less invasive way to obtain the tissue samples needed for diagnosis.


    Check out our comprehensive Glossary of Breast Cancer terminology, which includes definitions of everything from AC chemotherapy to peripheral neuropathy.


    Click now to find a summary of the factors that increase risk for developing breast cancer, including both factors that we cannot change and those we can.


    After patients have completed treatment for early stage breast cancer, 一个常见的问题是, “怎样才能最好地监视我呢?" Learn more here.


    Learn how to prepare for a lumpectomy or mastectomy, 包括手术前的限制, 带什么去十大赌博平台排行榜,还有更多.


    Breast cancer treatment often causes women to enter menopause prematurely. Although each woman reacts to therapy individually, certain side effects are common.

    Metastatic Breast Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

    转移性乳腺癌 is cancer that originated in the breast and has spread to other organ systems in the body. Learn more here.


    Different services and information are needed at different points in breast health care and breast cancer treatment. Learn more here.


    Women who have had breast cancer or are considered at high risk for developing breast cancer are at risk for developing osteoporosis. Learn more.


    The UCSF卡罗尔·弗兰克·巴克乳房护理中心 and the Department of Radiation Oncology have compiled information about radiation therapy for your convenience.


    Self-Care and recovery resources including an Introduction to Lifestyle Change, 营养与乳腺癌, 水合作用:水与健康, 冥想等等.

    Taking Charge

    Knowledge may lead you to take action to protect your health and that of other women you care about: your mother, daughters, 亲戚朋友. Learn more.

    Related programs


    Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is stressful. Get guidance, support and answers to your questions here as you consider your options and make decisions.

    Patient stories

    Coping With Breast Cancer That Spans Three Generations

    Her mother and grandmother died of breast cancer. Diagnosed herself at 59, Sarah Morse swore that if she survived, she'd help others. Here's her story.





    San Francisco



    1545 Divisadero St., Fourth Floor


    Cancer Survivorship and Wellness Institute

    Cancer Survivorship and Wellness Institute





    San Francisco

    Support services

    Support Group

    Art for Recovery

    Creativity can help people with serious illnesses cope, heal and express what they're going through. 了解我们的计划以及如何加入.



    我们一对一的运动训练课程, 根据您的需求和能力定制, can complement other cancer treatments and speed your recovery.

    Patient Resource


    UCSF Health offers free nutrition counseling to our patients with cancer, as well as nutrition seminars that are open to anyone. Learn more.

    Support Group


    These groups offered by the Ida and Joseph Friend Patient and 家庭癌症支援中心 are free and available to all patients, whether or not you get your health care at UCSF.


    Core & 为癌症患者提供更多课程

    A strong body helps you fight cancer and enjoy life. Join this class to stabilize your core, strengthen your muscles and improve overall fitness. 针对癌症患者和护理人员!

    Patient Resource


    A one-stop boutique for patients with cancer. Get professional help with wigs, prostheses, sun-protective clothing, makeup, skin care and more.


    Meditation & 癌症患者的引导图像

    Drop in for a free class designed to help you heal, relax and find balance during your treatment. 十大赌博靠谱网络平台加州大学旧金山分校和非加州大学旧金山分校的患者.

    Patient Resource


    Social workers offer support, problem-solving, help accessing UCSF cancer-related resources and more. Find out how to contact the social worker for your clinic.

    Patient Resource

    Patient & 家庭癌症支援中心

    该中心提供健康项目, community, support groups, classes, workshops and more at no cost to people facing cancer and their loved ones.

    Support Group


    Patients are matched with peer support volunteers according to criteria such as diagnosis, cancer stage, age or gender. 和那些“经历过”的人谈谈."

    Patient Resource


    Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis is stressful. Get guidance, support and answers to your questions here as you consider your options and make decisions.
