While lifestyle factors aren't the only predictors of who gets breast cancer, they play a part. 以下方法有助降低风险:


超重患者, 尤其是绝经后, 患乳腺癌的风险增加. Researchers believe this is because fat tissue can produce estrogen (and estrogen exposure is linked to breast cancer).


任何数量的酒精都会增加患乳腺癌的风险. Research shows that greater alcohol consumption is linked to higher breast cancer risk.


  • 限制自己每周不超过三到五份.
  • Make sure you're getting at least 400 micrograms of folate a day through diet, 补充剂(叶酸是补充剂形式)或两者兼而有之. 摄入足够的叶酸 似乎可以降低增加的风险 从酒精.



  • Getting a weekly total of 150 to 300 minutes of moderately intense activity (exercise that you can do while holding a conversation), 或者75到150分钟的剧烈运动, 或者两者的结合
  • Strength training and stretching to improve balance and flexibility about twice a week
  • 限制久坐不动的活动,比如看电视


We recommend a plant-based diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits and beans. Incorporate brightly colored or strongly flavored vegetables and fruits into your diet. Limit red and processed meats, sugary drinks and sodas, and processed foods high in fat and starch.


Studies show that breastfeeding for at least one year is associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer. However, the decision on whether to breastfeed your baby is a personal one. The knowledge that breastfeeding may slightly reduce breast cancer risk is just one of the many factors to weigh.


Although the association between smoking and breast cancer risk isn't clearly established, smoking is strongly discouraged because it clearly raises heart disease and lung cancer risks.


Although there's no proven link between stress and elevated breast cancer risk, 减轻压力水平可能有益于整体健康. 有用的做法包括:

  • 深呼吸和冥想
  • 定期锻炼,包括伸展运动
  • 从新闻报道和社交媒体中休息一下
  • 向心理学家寻求帮助, social worker or professional counselor if you face ongoing high levels of stress